FREE* Shipping On Orders Over $50 in the Continental US.
Most items will arrive 3 - 5 business days** after the confirmation of your order. Some powered wheelchairs, heavy-duty scooters, lift chairs, and other large items sent from the manufacturer will arrive via freight in 5 - 7 business days.
* Deliveries to Hawaii and Alaska may be subject to additional charges.
Price Match Guarantee
Best Price is committed to always providing the lowest prices and best service on our mobility equipment products and accessories.* Provide the quote from another store and we'll match the price for all immediately available products. The product must match brand, color and model number to qualify.
*Exclusions include, but are not limited to, items sold by Marketplace vendors e.g. Ebay.
Best Price Mobility carries a variety of different in-home products, ranging from bed rails and handles, to grab bars and shower mats for additional safety in the bathroom. These products can provide additional support and comfort within your home, making it easier to go about your day-to-day life.